The Swagger Swerve Podcast Show with Geoff Antonio

Our Podcast Studio is Located in Pasadena,CA minutes away from Old Town Pasadena.

Here Geoff goes again! Welcome to the World of Swagger Swerve! After years of hustling and performing on the Sunset Strip, playing guitar professionally, producing artist and releasing solo albums, Geoff now wants to interview the best of the best music artist and find out what makes them tick. The show focuses on building confidence into the podcast listeners so they can be inspired to follow their passion. Whether it be music or business, the idea is to give deep interviews to the listeners. This show is targeted to 20 and 30 somethings who need inspiration to get to the next level. What better way to get them there than have successful artist and entrepreneurs give insight on what drives them to create (Swagger) and how they get their ideas out into the world (Swerve). We’re now filling our up our production schedule fast! Look out Ladies and Gents. Let’s Swagger then Swerve.




Show Description
Hi I’m Geoff Antonio and I love talking about Music and Business. I am completely fascinated with with learning the process of artist I admire. I find people who are willing to share both their hardships and success stories true leaders we can learn from both their failures and victories. I am giving you an open invitation to join together on a journey with me to explore those stories that move us to where we truly want to be. Let us celebrate Life, Music and the Hustle of being someone of value in this Life. How exactly do I qualify to be your guide on this journey? I’ve made every stupid mistake myself along the way and I am still learning today both from my own successes and failures. With one foot in Music and the other running my own business I know what it feels like to pursue your dreams while having to hustle and be able to eat. From being at one time Homeless to Living in a Rehearsal Space to breaking out and living out my dreams. As we take this next step together we will in fact Swagger then Swerve